How To Buy Notes – Huge Returns
How To Safely Buy Private Notes Created As Seller Carry Back Financing
Invest At Huge Safe Interest Rates By Discounting Paper
Our Computer Program Does All The Sophisticated Math For You
What How To Buy Private Notes Will Do For You, – Locate, analyze & safely buy private paper (private notes) that provide big percentage yields and great retirement accounts also. Safe investment yields of 30% are possible when the prime interest rate is 5%. At this rate you would double your money in less than 2.4 years. Note Buying can do this for you.
I have brokered and bought private paper since the mid 1980’s. Private Paper can be anything where a buyer is paying a seller installments over time. Most often these private notes involve the sale of real estate or some other business asset or the business itself. Our program, How To Buy Private Notes, shows you how to buy these notes safely & profitably.
This is such a great investment because the buyer can set the yield of the paper they buy and yields often are in the 15% to 25% range. Using the rule of 72, investing at these rates your money would Double in 2.9 years to 4.8 years. What a great retirement plan! Note Buying can do this for you.
The marketplace is full of private paper opportunities. Seller carry back financing on real estate is a good source, sellers holding Land Contracts are another and practically every Business Opportunity that sells entails the seller financing the buyer’s purchase. These are just some of the great sources of paper to discount and buy AND make huge profits in the process, with Note Buying!
Imagine $5,000 becomes $10,000 in 3 to 5 years! This is an easy investment to manage as all you do is collect the monthly payments. We will show you how to discount paper, evaluate each deal, and how to safe-guard your investment. We will even show you how to get your initial investment to get started.
A typical deal would be a private note with a starting balance of $20,000, payable monthly at $119.91, including interest at 6% and amortized for 30 years. Since these notes are already created, you can’t do anything to alter the payment terms, but you can alter what you pay for this $20,000 instrument.
To yield 15%, you would pay $9,483.29 and to yield 25% you would pay only $5,752.29. This is a HUGE PROFIT upon acquisition of between $10,516.29 and $14,247.71. Not too bad I’d say! Our Excel program, How To Buy Private Notes, crunches all the numbers for you.
We provide you with estimates of yields and you plug them into our software and it crunches the values and provides you with your purchase amount. You offer this amount and then get the other items from our specified checklist and you are ready to close the purchase.
We will also show you who can act as a closing agent for your purchases to protect your interests, whether your seller is across town or across the country. These programs are written in Microsoft Word and Excel.
Turn $10,000 a year investment into $332,500+ over a 10 year period. No tenants, no hassles, no maintenance, etc. Note Buying can do this.
In Short
The sale of real estate, small businesses and many, many other assets are sold with the seller providing all or part of the sale financing. After time, these sellers want or need to convert the monthly payments they are collecting and receive a lump sum of cash instead. To get this lump sum of cash, they sell their “notes” to buyers like you.
This is FUN !!!!
What You Get:
All Files & Programs in Excel & Word & .txt)
* Local & National sources of Private Paper for sale
* Complete Manual on how to evaluate paper and how to structure your purchase
* Purchase Contracts for your notes
* Where & How to find the money to make your investments if you don’t have cash in the bank
* Software to crunch all the numbers and discount this paper to meet your yield requirements
* Software to manage your notes to know the balances of each after each payment
* Sources of who can handle the closing escrows to be sure all items are completed satisfactorily to protect both buyer and seller. These sources are national with one near every buyer and seller.
In Short, you will get everything needed to evaluate paper, structure the sale and close the deal on any form of private paper! (Written in Excel & Word)
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NOTICE: Like all software retailers, due to the ease of software copying, all sales are final. We guarantee the receipt of our products as advertised. We can not guarantee how our programs will be used and how much effort is used with any program. As a result, we can not guarantee the results from the use of any program.
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